
Friday, March 21, 2014

How to Remove "Home" Under Blog Posts in Blogger

  • Click the "Template Designer" link under the top navigation bar.

  • Select "Advanced" in the left-hand menu of the Blogger Template Designer in the top half of the page. Scroll to the bottom of the Advanced context menu; then click "Add CSS."

  • Paste the following code into the "Add Custom CSS" input field:
    #blog-pager {

  • Click "Apply to Blog" in the top right-hand corner of the page. This removes the "Home" link beneath blog posts on your Blogger blog.

  • How to Remove “Subscribe to: Posts(Atom)” Link From Blogger Blogs

    Here is some tricks to remove Posts (Atom) link in blogger blogs. In blogger, every post page have a link like “Subscribe to: Post (Atom)” as shown below  

    How To Remove Blogger Attribution Gadget

    The Attribution gadget is the gadget in the footer that says "Powered By Blogger". If you have tried to remove this then you may of noticed this gadget is locked into you blog. To unlock it, follow the next steps:

    blogger attribution, blogger hacks, powered by

    Creating a Blogger Static Home Page

    Seems like there's always an unusual case where you want to create a Blogger blog with a static home page instead of the reverse order blog posts instead. I see this question quite often in the forums and support pages of other sites. Though this isn't a typical configuration for Blogger, the recent changes in the new layout editor have made this easier than ever without having to spend time editing the template code as you had in the past.

    Add the Static Home Page

    The first step is to simply create a static page in Blogger called something like 'Home Page' from the Blogger Pages menu item. Don't call it 'Home' yet because we're going to alter the home link later. When you click on the 'Pages' left menu item in the Blogger editor main menu you'll see that there is already a 'Home' link on the screen. Ignore that for now--just go up to the 'New Page' drop down box and select the 'Blank page' option:

    Blogger static pages

    You'll now be in the Page editor which looks a lot like the Blogger Post editor. At the top enter a page name such as 'Home Page' or 'Main Page' for now and some default text - we'll alter it later. Just go ahead and press 'Publish':

    Publish a Google Blogger page

    You should now see two pages in your list; 'Home' and 'Home Page' like so:

    Blogger Pages

    Now that you've created a static page, the next steps are are a bit tricky since you need to make sure your static page becomes 'Home' and the old Home link is hidden especially if you want to use menus.

    Redirecting the Blogger Home Page to a Static Page

    The great thing about the new Blogger template is that you can redirect pages to other pages now in the 'Settings' menu. Oddly, it is buried deep within the Blogger settings under 'Search Preferences':

    Custom redirects in Blogger settings

    Go ahead and choose the 'Edit' text link just to the right of the 'Custom Redirect' item. Now, this is a very critical step - be sure to enter the following text into the From: and To: boxes in the Redirect dialog:

    In the From: box enter only a forward slash - "/". In the To: box enter the exact page name - in our case it was "/p/home-page.html". All Blogger static pages have a /p in front of the URL. You can see that the html name was the page title we used, so if you used something else for your title like 'Main Page' then the html would be /p/main-page.html.

    Go ahead and press the little 'Save' text link and then the 'Save changes' button highlighted in the image above. What's now going to happen is that your main URL will redirect to the static page you've created. Go ahead and try to access your blog now - you should go directly to the new static page from the main URL.

    All is good, right?? Well, not quite. If you want to enable visible tabs for Pages on your template the problem is going to be that you'll have two menu items called 'Home' and 'Home Page' on the tab bar both redirecting to your static page.  However, if you don't care to add Pages as tabs (they're not enabled by default) - you can stop at this point. Your static home page is ready to go!

    Enabling Tabs for a Static Blogger Homepage

    The very last step is to hide the original Home page link and add a page link to your blog pages so that the visible tabs work correctly. First, enable tabs from the Pages menu:

    Blogger Page tabs

    Be sure to press 'Save arrangement' in the upper right of the screen (not seen here)!  When you go to your home page you should now see the tab bar across the top of your blog. However, now when you click on either Home or Home Page you're going directly to your new static page. What you have to do at this point is hide the original 'Home' Page using the Layout editor. Open the Layout using the editor from the Blogger main menu:

    Choose the 'Edit' text link in the Pages item within the layout. This is going to allow you to hide particular pages. Once you open the Pages layout editor you'll notice that you can hide certain pages:

    Be sure to un-select the check box right next to the 'Home' page to make sure it stays hidden. Press 'Save' to hide that particular tab.

    The final step is to add another Page that links to the blog posts directly. This isn't something you have to do - your blog posts can still show on the right sidebar in the layout. However, if you do want to get back to the main blogging page that has the last posts together, you'll need to add a link back to them. Once we changed the Home page link to the static page there's no longer any links to the main Posts page.

    Go back into the main Blogger Page menu to add your link back as a menu tab. The first thing you'll notice is that the old Home page is now Hidden:

    The key final step here is that you will be creating a 'Web Address' page instead of an actual Page. Create a new web address page called something like 'My Blog' to be your link to the Posts like this:

    Adding a Blogger web link page

    The link you need to enter is simply your full main, blog page URL (in my example page it is with the addition of '/index.html' added to the end of it like this:

    Linking back to the Blogger blog main page

    You're done!! If you look at your blog now, you'll see the top tab bar now has a Home link and a My Blog linked correctly to the right pages. I've created a sample site to show you the final outcome. Just click on the picture here to see it. Enjoy!!!

    Create a new page on your blog

    You can organize your blog into separate sections like “About me,” “Contact me” or “Advertise” using pages. Pages appear as either tabs on the top of your page or links on the side of the page. Pages differ from your homepage because they are usually used to display content that doesn't need to change very often. For example, the blog below has pages for “about me,” “workshops & classes,” “shop online” and more.

    Create a new page

    1. Sign in to and click on your blog.
    2. Select “Pages” from the left navigation bar on your dashboard.
    3. Click New Page.
    4. Click Save to create a draft of the page you can review and publish later. You can also click Preview to open a new tab previewing what your new page will look like. Click Publish to create the live page on your blog now.

    Edit pages

    You can edit a page you’ve created to add new content, images, or videos.
    1. Select “Pages” from the drop-down menu of your dashboard.
    2. Click the “edit” link below the page you’d like to edit.
    3. Make edits to your page.
    4. Click Update to publish the page with your edits, or Revert to draft to publish the page later. You can also clickPreview to open a new tab to see what your edited page will look like.
    If you want to delete a page linking to an external site, you have to delete it from within the Pages gadget by clicking the “x” to the right of the link.

    Edit page layout

    You can change where your pages appear on your blog by adding the page list gadget to your blog:
    1. Select “Layout” from the drop-down menu of your dashboard.
    2. A preview of your blog’s layout will appear. Your can choose to have your pages appear on the top, bottom, right or left side of your blog. Click the “Add a Gadget” link beside the section where you'd like your pages to show. For example, if you’d like them to appear as tabs on the top of your blog, click the “Add a Gadget” link at the top of your layout.
    3. Select the “Pages” gadget from the “Add a Gadget” list.
    4. Under “Pages to Show,” check the boxes next to the pages you would like to display on your blog.
    5. Under “Page Order,” drag and drop the boxes to choose the order in which your pages will appear.
    6. Click Save.
    7. Click Save arrangement in the upper right to save your layout.

    Manage drafts and published pages

    You can navigate between viewing all your pages, just your drafted pages, or only your published pages using the sidebar on the left of your page. Under the “Pages” section of the sidebar, you should see categories for All, Draft, and Published with the number of pages in that status in parenthesis. You may also see a category for Imported pages if you’ve imported your pages from another platform like Wordpress.

    Create a page linking to an external site

    To create a page that links to a site outside of Blogger:
    1. Select “Layout” from the drop-down menu of your dashboard.
    2. A preview of your blog’s layout will appear. Click the “Add a Gadget” link beside the section where you’d like to show your pages.
    3. Select the “Pages” gadget from the “Add a Gadget” list.
    4. Click “+Add link page.”
    5. In the window that opens, fill in the page title and the web address you’d like to redirect readers to when they click on this page.
    6. Click Save Link.
    7. You should see the new page listed under “Page Order.” Click Save at the bottom of the gadget window.
    8. Click Save arrangement in the upper right to save your layout.

    Details about pages

    • Each blog can have up to 20 pages.
    • The way you choose to display your pages (for example, top tabs) applies to all of your pages.
    • Certain third party templates may not support pages as top tabs, but pages can still be added as side links.

    Thursday, March 20, 2014

    How to Add a Favicon to your Blogger Blog

    What's a favicon? Short for "favorite icon," it is the little icon that shows up in the browser bar next to the website address. Most savvy big-name companies have them, and they use them as a subtle reminder of their iconic brands:

    If you have a Blogger blog, even if you have a custom domain name, the standard Blogger favicon will show next to your site:

    So how do you get your own custom favicon for your Blogger blog?

    It couldn't be easier. 

    1. Create or choose a favicon. In Photoshop, create a square file and design a simple icon or logo. You can crop an image, use pre-set brush shapes (like a star), or use an existing logo. Once you are satisfied, resize the image to 16 x 16 pixels and save as a .png or .ico file. Remember to keep it simple, because the final image is so small. 

    • If you don't have Photoshop, just google "favicon generator" and a number of sites will help convert an image into the appropriate file.

    2. Go to the Layout setting. Find the tab entitled "Favicon" and click "Edit."

    How to add favicon on Blogger

     3. Upload the flavicon. Follow the prompts and save.

    Configure favicon on Blogger

    4. Be patient. This is the most important step. You will hit save and reload your page, and . . . nothing. It takes 24 to 48 hours for the change to take place, so don't despair. Before you know it, you will have a nifty favicon of your own:

    Choose your own Permalink for your Posts

    Blogger now lets you create your own Permalink for your posts. Why would you want to do this?

    The permalink is the permanent link to your blog post, and it is what search engines crawl to find your content. By making an SEO-friendly link, you can help increase the chances of your post showing up in searches. 

    Normally, Blogger will take your title and create a permalink from it, so people sometimes spend a lot of time trying to write an SEO-friendly title. Now just create the SEO-friendly link you want and title the post how you want, two separate decisions. 

    To create your permalink, go to the Post Settings on the right side of your draft post, click "Permalink," and choose "Custom Permalink." In the space below, create your permalink and click "Done." Be sure to do this before publishing your article for the first time.

    How to Add Social Icons to Your Blogger Blog

    Do you want to add social media icons to your blog so that readers can find you elsewhere on the web? Here are step-by-step instructions. 

    Overview: You will add an "HTML/Java Script" gadget to your sidebar, and these instructions will walk you through writing the HTML code. I'm no HTML expert; if I can do it, so can you. The idea is to link publicly available images of social media icons (which you will host on Photobucket) to your own social media pages. 

    Basic Tutorial

    Step 1: Find a set of icons you like.

    Google "free social media icons" and you'll find great links to free icons. Here are two I like: The Ultimate Roundup of Amazing Free Social Media Icon Packs and 50 Free Social Media Icon Sets. Download the set of icons, which often include different sizes. The buttons I use are 32 x 32 pixels.

    Circular set I used to use from Blog Perfume. The new set I use is at BrandiGirlBlog
    Step 2: Upload the images you want from the set to a Photobucket account.

    • Open a Photobucket account if you don't have one. Set it to public.
    • Upload the specific icons you want to use to your account.

    Step 3: Write HTML code that will link these images to your social sites.

    • Open a separate text file or word document to write your code.
    • The code for each icon will follow the format below (in this example, the red link is my Twitter page and the blue link is my Twitter icon on Photobucket). The rest of the steps will show you how to create this code. 
    • To get this code, go to your Photobucket account. Go to the image you want on Photobucket (e.g., Twitter icon), click on it, and you will see a box like this on the right part of the page. Click your cursor inside the third box that says "HTML code." This will copy the code, but you will need to tweak it a bit.
    click on the third line (HTML code)
    • Paste the code into your working document. It will look like this:
    • Replace the first link (the one highlighted in red) with your social media link. To get your social media link, go to your site (Facebook Fan page, Twitter profile, etc.) and copy the address from the browser bar. Your finished code for one social icon will look like my Twitter code above.
    • Repeat this process for each social icon you want to use. If you have three icons, Facebook, Twitter, and G+, you will have three paragraphs in your code. At the end of this post are instructions for a more sophisticated look and specific instructions for an RSS feed icon.
    • Copy the entire finished code. You will be pasting this into your Blogger gadget.

    Step 4: Post the code onto your blog.
    • In Blogger, go to Layout --> Add a Gadget. I recommend placing the gadget in the upper part of your sidebar.
    • Find and select the HTML/Java Script gadget.
    • Paste your code into the Content box. You can leave the title blank, or you can add a title like, "Find me on the Internet" or whatever you want to say about your icons. I think most people understand what the icons mean, so I don't use a title.
    • Save and you're done. Admire it on your page. (And check to see that the links work).

    Advanced Tutorial

    1. Code for RSS Link

    Before adding an RSS icon, you need to create an RSS feed. (An RSS feed is a way to syndicate your content. Readers subscribe to your feed and your posts show up in their readers of choice).
    • To create/find the link for your RSS feed, go to It may ask you to sign in with your Google account. Look for a box that will offer to burn a feed for you instantly. Insert your Blogger address and hit "Next." You will then see a screen like this:

    • Pick a name for your feed address, then hit "Next." Feedburner will confirm that your feed address is "" This is the link you use for your RSS icon (it will go where the red link was in the HTML code). 

    2. Create a text that appears when someone hovers over your icon. 

    If you hover over the icons on my website, you will get a message like, "Follow me on Twitter" or "Follow me on Pinterest." To get this effect, add the following (purple) text to your HTML code:

    Change the label as appropriate for each social media icon.

    3. Add spaces between your icons.

    If you find the icons look too squished together, you can add some space between each icon by adding the following at the top of your code. Play around with the number of pixels to change the spacing (this code sets it at 3px):

    4. Center your icons.

    If you want to center your icons, add the blue bolded code in front of your first paragraph (your first set of icons):

    Hope this has been helpful. If you're an HTML expert and have an easier way to do this, please let me know. Let me know if you have any questions or issues with these instructions. Thanks!